Healthy at Any Age<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Class 1981

Healthy at Any Age
Niedra Gabriel
Class 1981

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Shirley L
This has been the most helpful video I haves seen on Pilates Anytime. I think it was most helpful because the person had not experience with pilates. I liked that you could see how the instructor modified based on what the client does. Most of the videos are too scripted and planned out and look so perfect when in reality, it doesn't always look like that in the work place.
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you for this post Shirley, (same name as my student in the video!) You must be a teacher! as you obviously could see that yes, this was a real teaching situation...I can see that you really enjoy rolling up your sleeves and teaching - and you are so right, students can look all sorts of ways, and our job is to get through to the real person as they are.
Eerika T
Sabine G
What a lovely class Niedra Gabriel ! I will pick some sequences out for my elderly couple I am teaching, I am sure, they will love it! thank you for your inspiration!!
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you for posting - I hope you enjoy working with your elderly clients . They deserve it all.
1 person likes this.
Loved watching this video!  Amazing how her body can still have such great body awareness.  Wonderful to watch how her body moved and looked instantly better posturely and mechanically with Niedras cues.  I am so excited to get my parents who are in their 70's onto the reformer again when I see them next. thank you for sharing!!!
Cass H
1 person likes this.
This was a great class.  This age group is not represented very much in the videos I've watched.  Thank you
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you Cass , Yes, the elderly need help and we seldom represent them properly.  They so deserve help and attention.  I am so glad you enjoyed this video.
Wonderful class.. So resistance did you use for the footwork series?   One red?
Niedra Gabriel
Martha R Hard for me to asnwer this question as different companies who make reformers use different spring tensions and colours.  even body size can affect teh type of spring that is appropirate for the client so I am hesitant to set up rules like this on line.I suggest you test out the tension on whatever machine you work on to see if you like it. If it feels 'good" you are good with your body. 
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