High-Engery Wunda Chair<br>Kathryn Ross-Nash<br>Class 2143

High-Engery Wunda Chair
Kathryn Ross-Nash
Class 2143

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Thank you so much, DANKESCHÖN Kathryn! It was quite challanging to work out allone, would like to come to your studio and work with you for longer time! Greetings from Austria. www.lifetimepilates.at
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Kathi you ROCK!!! Everything about this class was perfect, the sequencing, the choice of exercises, the flow, Colleen and of course your teaching! I absolutely Love with a huge capital L! your matwork on the chair at the beginning! Thank you so much for this.. bless you and thank you PA xxx
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Fantastic! I found myself "pulling In" just sitting watching! Haha! one of my Favourite classes to to date!!!
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Wunderbar Wunda Chair Kathi, tactile and vocal cues fabulous... of course having Colleen to work with must of been a pleasure...loved the short box reminded me of your circus which l hope you will one day do at PA!!
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Ok, so here's the deal... I've just begun to really gain strength back into my upper body since I broke my arm and tore my RC on the opposite side. This workout got into all the places that require the strength I had lost. The one I couldn't accomplish was teaser 2 & 3, I cannot take my legs lower, I just don't have it yet. Also the fear involved in rolling back without a spot made me want to grab the next person I saw just to watch and make sure I didn't break my neck. Other than that I don't know whether to love or hate you... This was great and horrible all at the same time, so I will try again tomorrow, pray for me??????????
Sunny! Praying LOL!!! you are the best!
Yeong Cheol C
Voice is very sweeting.
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One of my all time favorites!! Thank you Kathyrn, would love to work with you some day!! Any Workshops in the near future. Thank you Pilates Anytime for giving me access to such amazing content and instructors!! I would love to know the brand of that Wunda Chair?? Thank you!
I will be in Chicago at Dana Santi's Studio the end of April as well at Vintage in Sept and Fla. in Dec. THANK YOU for your kind words and I am so thrilled you enjoy my work!
Rima ~ The chair in this video is a Gratz Wunda Chair.
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