High-Engery Wunda Chair<br>Kathryn Ross-Nash<br>Class 2143

High-Engery Wunda Chair
Kathryn Ross-Nash
Class 2143

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Question: I just bought a chair and it has 2 springs and 3 hooks in the back and 2 in the front, it looks like Kathryn is using just one in the highest position in the back? If anyone could advise on how I should have my springs set up, I'd appreciate it! I'm just winging it now but it still feels AMAZING!
Thank you!
Ana M
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This class is one of my all time favorites. It allowed me to better identify some weaknesses and at the same time I felt wonderful. By the end my back felt like new. Will definitely repeat it often, specially before going dancing!
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Thank you for this amazing video. I had no idea the chair has so many uses! I absolutely love all those variations. Thank you a milion for sharing and clear instructions
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WOW! This was an amazing workout. Kathryn I loved the cueing, the breakdowns of the exercises and your attention to details. What a difference I felt in the workout. Thank you so much!
Kelly S
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Great flow to build to elephant :) thank you!!!
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Jennifer Thank you!!!
Kathryn, for those who don't have the same chair, how can we do the first 15 minutes?
Just did this workout again... I feel stronger. Thank you!
THAT.WAS.AMAZING! learned so much, loved the sitting chair work ( I did mine in my spine corrector)loved the elephant at the end. Thank you Kathryn Ross-Nash.
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