Non-Stop Reformer<br>Kathryn Ross-Nash<br>Class 2145

Non-Stop Reformer
Kathryn Ross-Nash
Class 2145

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2 people like this.
Thank you Kathy. Love your no nonsense, let's get on with it style!
2 people like this.
Your energy is fantastic and the performance beautiful. The naming of other exercises is amazing.Thank you for sharing!
1 person likes this.
Graceful athlete!
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You are AMAZING! Motivation to the "umpteenth" level! Thank You!
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Wow! That was pretty amazing! 😍❤️👍🏻
Thank you!!!!!!!!! I so appreciate your feed back!!!!!!
Natalia D
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Great, Kathryn, thank you!
Carla A
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I JUST LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS WOMAN. Love when you say this man was a Genius! He really was. The idea that all the exercises link is key and so rarely taught. Sometimes when I cover teach, clients dont understand or always thinking ‘Oh my Gosh so much to remember’, well actually it all rolls from one apparatus and equipment to the other doesn’t it? He was a true genius. Thanks so much Kathryn Ross-Nash you simply rock this stuff!
When next will you be in London? I would love to invite you down to Brighton & Hove to do some workshops.
1 person likes this.
Brilliant! Love the cueing thanks!
If I’m feeling down and need a shake up, you are my go to! I can’t think about anything else as I try to keep up. Thank you for your teaching!
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