Beautiful Cadillac Flow<br>Rael Isacowitz<br>Class 2449

Beautiful Cadillac Flow
Rael Isacowitz
Class 2449

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Thanks a lot!
  I was fascinated by this session!
Who love and practice  Pilates imagines how hard work might be!
It was very pleasent  to me, the music touching!!!

Potra, thank you for your message. The music is my exceptional niece Maya Isacowitz - she is amazing!
 Maya Isacowitz became one of my favorite singers after hearing it in Rael's class. She is wonderful! Click on her name to hear more of her music! 
Kristi, thank you so much for your kind words about Maya. Of course,  I am biased but I think she is INCREDIBLE! I absolutely love her:)
Love the grace and strength. My only thought is the repetition is in conflict with the flow and dynamics of the original work.

You have amazing spirit. It's been great moving my body with your flow. I can totally immerse into my whole being as coordination of spirit, mind and body. Thank you! 
Sophie, thank you for your beautiful words. Feeling body, mind, spirit as one, and flowing with inner harmony, is a feeling I strive for in all I do. Stay well.
Clemencia Puerta
Rael, I can study with your classes for hours!!... They are particularly useful to check angles, grades, positions, technique, flow, repertoire.... they are like an encyclopedia to me!.... I would spend thousands of hours just learning from your movements!..... in between my job at my Studio, I enjoy all these tools as much as I can!... Thank you for being such a wonderful and inspiring teacher .... BASI is such a blessing to me!!!!!
Clemencia, I love your inquiring mind. This is an essential quality in a great teacher, to always adopt a "student mindset". Sending you my best!
Tunde M
I always come back to this class...and  I keep watching him.. he is amazing.. I wish to see more classes with him.. he is a true motivation... 
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