Beautiful Cadillac Flow<br>Rael Isacowitz<br>Class 2449

Beautiful Cadillac Flow
Rael Isacowitz
Class 2449

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Mindful movement- at it's best! Quite impressive.
Thank you Rael:)  
I chose this video for my first Apparatus exercise of 2020!!! 
I want to be able to do Magician Series!!!! 
Dear Sakiko, good luck with the Magician Series! I have no doubt you will master it, keep up the great work!
When you know, you know!! great flow!!!
Thank you, Eliezer!
Followed along today with Rael, this brought sunshine to a cloudy monsoon day, Ive heard Rael say this work is meditation in motion and I really felt it today, pure physical and emotional joy! Thank you so much for this gift
Tova, your sentiments mean so much to me. Your words are my reward!
So beautiful to watch! I have a question though: how do I find the right position to set up the push through bar - especially on the BASI Systems Cadillac/ Tower? We unfortunetly didn't speak about how to set up the Cadillac in the CTTC and also my colleagues in the studio don't really know what to look for. Would be great to get some help here :) Thank you!
Kris, thank you for your kind words. In terms of setting up the equipment, each Cadillac is a little different but the concept remains the same. The PTBar should be about midway. I set it at 24 on BASI Systems. The springs should be lightened up on BASI Systems, on other Cadillacs, you will need to drop to one spring. I love this feature on BASI Systems. They do not need to be exactly the same on both sides. Just lighten up as needed. Most importantly keep the arms absolutely straight.
Great, thank you very much Rael! That's very helpful, I felt always a bit unsure about it :) 
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