Beautiful Cadillac Flow<br>Rael Isacowitz<br>Class 2449

Beautiful Cadillac Flow
Rael Isacowitz
Class 2449

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It was magical, such a grace and flow! Thank you Rael!
Michele M
1 person likes this.
Amazing and beautiful! Just what I needed in the middle of a hectic day...can't wait to share with my students:) Thank you Rael!:)
Amazing!!! Thank you so very much!!!
Amazing & beautiful...Thank you Rael!!!
Love Maya's music :)
Mirella Martire
Bravo Maestro!!!
I am honored to have been given the opportunity to share in this Pilates' experience with Rael and Maya. Patient, perfect biomechanics. Truely inspirational sound and movement.
Wonderful way to start my day. Beautiful sequence thanks Rael - you are truly inspirational.
So beautifully done. Thank you and Happy New Year!
you are beautiful Real
amazing! thanks for sharing these beautiful moves.
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