Beautiful Cadillac Flow<br>Rael Isacowitz<br>Class 2449

Beautiful Cadillac Flow
Rael Isacowitz
Class 2449

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This was amazing and inspiring. Thank you.
How truly beautiful - food for the soul and spirit. Reminding me that this miracle body which I inhabit is the vessel for expressing such beauty - to watch you is so you ever "cross the pond" - I hope so?!
I so appreciate the heartfelt and beautiful words from everyone. They truly are touching. Linda, I do travel across the pond and have been circumventing the globe for over 30 years (I am feeling my age and the affects of so much travel). Please check out for my engagements overseas. 2016 I will be teaching in the USA, Canada, Spain, Italy, Greece, Israel. Much love to all.
Great ideas
That´s why I LOVE this man!
Thank you Rael to be such an inspiration, beautiful practice with all the principles of Pilates, plus an incredible elegance.
This was so beautiful and amazing! Just what I needed for inspiration and a great workout! Wow Wow Wow
Beautiful. A work of art.
I am in awe!!! I usually fast toward videos so I can see as much in a short amount of time!! I was mesmerized by the beauty of Rael's movement. Congrats on signifying what Pilates is about! Contrology. Well done from down under! You are an icon all over the world Rael but loved dearly in Australia. Bless u ??
Helen, your words mean so much to me. Australia is such a huge part of my career and occupies a VERY special place in my heart. I hope to meet up sometime, down under.
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