Beautiful Cadillac Flow<br>Rael Isacowitz<br>Class 2449

Beautiful Cadillac Flow
Rael Isacowitz
Class 2449

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Thank you Maro. It was wonderful having you here for the Mentor Program. See you soon in Greece to continue this wonderful journey.
Perfect way to celebrate Pilates Day 2016, thanks Rael!
very,very, nice... thank you
Incredible grace, flow, & precision. True contrology. It felt wonderful. Thank you Rael
Is my computer messing up or does he not cue you through anything? Very confused. I wanted to listen and move.
Krista ~ Thank you for your forum post. This was a different style of video for us, in which Rael flowed through a workout set to music. We have included a list of all of the exercises he does underneath the description. Also, Rael has many other classes that you may enjoy as well if you prefer to hear the cues while you are working out. I hope you enjoy those classes!
Very nice... I c I need to gain more strength..
Marta A
Reviewing your wonderful interpretation(you're one of the very few maestros who makes me believe in the classical repertoire) : the best way to start the year!
Thank you so much for the compliment. I wish you and everyone a Happy New Year!
Absolutely incredible! I'm in awe at this guy! Music is fantastic!
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