Beautiful Cadillac Flow<br>Rael Isacowitz<br>Class 2449

Beautiful Cadillac Flow
Rael Isacowitz
Class 2449

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Thank you Kirsty, I appreciate your kind words. The music is my written by my niece, Maya Isacowitz. She is amazing, check her out on YouTube, Facebook, etc.
Mesmerizing. How does one say thank you enough. You inspire me to reach for greatness. And thank you Maya Isac for my new favorite album xx
Natalie the gratitude is all mine. My greatest reward is reaching people like you who appreciate movement and music, and the joy that they bring. So - thank you!
Raymond Harris
Real..... you have inspired me for 10 years, and continue to do so. Sometimes movement speaks louder then words! Loved it. Thank you Regards Raymond
Raymond thank you so much, I appreciate your words, your support and your movement. I LOVE that picture!
This was wonderfully artistic in the beautiful flow with precision of movement, it was relaxing just to watch with the calming music. Thank you!
Just simply beautiful!!

The seamless flowing movements with Maya’s music was such a treat... So inspiring and relaxing. Thanks So much, Rael!!
Hopefully will be able to meet you one day. xoxo
Chloe your words means o much to me. Moving to Maya's music feels so natural and inspires me greatly. I truly hope our paths cross at some point. In the meanwhile keep moving and keep listening to Maya's music!
I absolutely loved this , I could follow along just fine and it was so relaxing and challenging and precise and slow just awesome - thanks Rael learn so much from you! 👍👍
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