Rhythm and Tempo Flow<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 2462

Rhythm and Tempo Flow
Amy Havens
Class 2462

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Wow....thank you ALL so much for these inspiring comments and positive feedback! I love integrating rhythm....guess you do too! It's a wonderful addition and I feel very important for the entire mind/body/spirit trifecta! Bring me the levity!!!
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One of my favorite classes! I was craving something flowing and my fascial lines feel elongated!
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Great class, great teacher!! Intense and challenging for my back.
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Completely different class, really interesting! amazing stomach massage series, this was the exercise I enjoyed the most! thank you Amy!
What a great class! As a dance and Pilates teacher it was great to hear more connections of music with rhythm and flow. Great pace, and a personal favorite of mine so far on Pilates Anytime. Thanks Amy!
Paola Maruca
I felt like a kid in a candy store from start to finish. Loved it!. Amy, this class was amazing and refreshing. I know lots of teachers like music in their classes and I respect that. However, why not focusing on the rhythm and the music within our own body. I think it s way more challenging. I loved the switch of the tempo. It really 'shakes you up', it makes you focus more on the principles of this wonderful method. After this class (which went on top of my favorites and which I plan to repeat many times) I thought about doing the same on the Wunda chair. Amy????? Planning to do that anytime soon?????
Ladies.....you all have made me feel so good! I can't tell you how much I value your feedback on classes that I teach!
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Paola.....thank you girl! :) I think rhythm is so important and we should be changing the tempos of our sessions/workouts. By varying the tempos with or without load offers such variety and challenge to our muscles as well as our bones....and you know that I love challenging my bone health too! So happy you liked this class as much as I did creating it. Yes...I do it with Chair soon.....was on my planning list! How did you know?!!
This class is full of all kinds of goodies, thank you so much Amy, I love your work, style, etc! Loved every minute!
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Denee.....thank you so much for your comments...they truly brighten my day! :) Happy Friday!
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