Rhythm and Tempo Flow<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 2462

Rhythm and Tempo Flow
Amy Havens
Class 2462

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Wonderful stomach workout. Love the single leg going under the bar and holding it for several movements. Just got my reformer at home and love work out. Thanks??????
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Added to Fav's. Ty!
Hi Cindy Clampett!! Thank you....and may I ask....what type of Reformer do you have at home? How fabulous! Always curious to hear what types of equipment people are working with. :)
Thank you Jill Sedares!
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As Gloria Estefan says, "the rhythm is gonna get you"! And the rhythm definitely got me. Loved it! Thanks for a new perspective and great cueing as always.
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I loved every single minute of this!!!
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As a dancer, I love, love, loved this class!
Annie....Michelle....Valerie.....TH ANK YOU!!! So happy to hear that you all enjoyed this class! I had a lot of fun putting it together too!
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I loved this class!
Great choreography and rhythm!
That was an awesome class. Great balance of quick moves to the rhythm and some awesome stretches as well. Cannot wait for more.
31-40 of 76

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