Rhythm and Tempo Flow<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 2462

Rhythm and Tempo Flow
Amy Havens
Class 2462

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Hi Jody -- thank you for this feedback. Yes, I can do that, I'd be happy to create some new patterns for the Reformer. Stay tuned!!
2 people like this.
Loved the rhythm - much easier to feel the full range of the movement. Would love more classes like this!
Thank you for this feedback Victoria ! I'll do another class soon with this type of rhythm focus! Glad you enjoyed it!
2 people like this.
As a former dancer, I loved, loved loved this workout. Emphasis on time, tempo, and accents was incredibly helpful for me and I found new energy and focus in familiar exercises as well as new ones! More please!
Hi Meredith! Thank you so much, so glad you enjoyed the theme here!! I'll give thought to my next Reformer class having these elements again, thanks for the inspiration to offer another similar class. :)
Dawn U
1 person likes this.
Great and challenging class.  I can't wait to repeat it as I have improvements to be made.  I enjoy all of Amy's classes. 
Dawn , thank you so much!!
Mary T
Amy,  this routine is my favorite!   I'm a musician,  so I love how this flows...and I love to feel my 'inner dancer'!   If anyone knows of other rhythmic, musical and dance-like reformer classes, please let me know what numbers they are.  Thanks!   
Megan Y
Great class!!
Dawn U
Great class, Amy!  The modified pace was just what I needed.  Thank you.
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