Rhythm and Tempo Flow<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 2462

Rhythm and Tempo Flow
Amy Havens
Class 2462

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Thank you so much Erin! And Giglia....very happy to hear that you enjoyed the change of tempo! Me too!
Kim W
Finally made it through this entire series! What a treat for me on my day off. I particularly loved the feet in straps patterns. We have some clients with neurological issues, which makes transitions particularly challenging. Once we get them in position-- usually supine-- we like to work them there as much as possible. The "snowman" circles and "walking" short spine would be doable for them while offering a new physical and neurological way to play. Thank you, Amy, for your always-inspiring creative spins on the traditional work!
Kim...thank you for such valuable feedback and I'm happy to hear this class provided you with some new options and ideas for some clients! Let me know how things go! :)
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I really enjoyed this class. I like mixing it up and it was challenging at the same time :)
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Glad you liked it Heather! I'm a big fan of mixing it up, as you know!
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That was great!
Thank you Kimberly Thomas!
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I love your classes! As an dancer and physical educator I really connected with the rhythms.
Hi Suzanne.....thank you so much! Yes, I must have rhythm and feel it's a vital part of who I am as a mover. Breath can be the rhythm as much as the tempo of feet landing on the jump board, ribs translating or arms pumping in the 100! Thank you for agreeing and connecting!
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The dancer in me LOVEs anything done to tempo! Would be great to see more classes like this. A quicker pace perhaps on some patterns. And maybe a bit more choreography. Excellent class!
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