Unravel Holding Patterns<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Class 2643

Unravel Holding Patterns
Niedra Gabriel
Class 2643

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Niedra Gabriel
Thankoyu Patricia, I just love knowing you are in Australia and doing pilates with me! I hope it was worth missing your massage, the long term effects work well.
Once again Niedra, just fantastic. It was just what I need and so many of my clients need this release, thank you.
Extraordinary class. Thank you so much.
Awesome!! it would be great to have a similar one for the hips xo
Wonderful class, felt amazing after! For someone with really tight shoulders and chest, how often would you recommend we perform this series? Thanks.
Niedra Gabriel
Good question Kristin - I would suggest daily! for progressive change.... But even one class makes a difference. I have watched students do it daily for 2 weeks and their body looked totally different as a result, the bones had moved!
Magic!! Niedra this is my birthday present :) i have such tight shoulders and neck due to my job as a clinical psychologist working 8 hours a day for 15 years, this was like a real magic. Thank tou so much and please more🙏
Niedra Gabriel
ZA I am so thrilled you found this work so helpful. I know there will be more classes being posted on the website ( recently filmed a hip and lower back release class that should be up soon. I see you live in Turkey! I will be in Spain hosting a 7 day retreat in September. We do a lot of release work every day, as well as Pilates and Yoga. The transformation is amazing really.
If you wanted to know more please contact me directly niedra@spirit-moves.com and I can send you the full details.
Oh great news:)) i will be looking forward to them. Any recommendations from your existing classes on PA? Unfortunately, i wlll be having an operation on September. So i guess i wii lnot be avle to meet you in person:( thank yo for your reply Niedra. Lots of love from Turkey.
Niedra Gabriel
You can check the classes under my name and just see what sort of descriptions appeal to you . Just keeping a regular practice can do wonders for your sense of well being. Enjoy and I am sure we will cross roads some day.
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