Unravel Holding Patterns<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Class 2643

Unravel Holding Patterns
Niedra Gabriel
Class 2643

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Niedra I absolutely love this class! I do a lot of relaease and therapeutic work in my sessions and this have given me so much inspiration, thank you. Where can I find the hip class that you did too please?
Niedra I absolutely love this class! I do a lot of relaease and therapeutic work in my sessions and this have given me so much inspiration, thank you. Where can I find the hip class that you did too please?
Niedra Gabriel
Yay - another person who shares the love for therapeutic work to make "athletes..." . I know this is therapeutic, but more and more I realize it can speed up progress and reduce hardening and injuries - love that you get this.
Hip video may not be posted yet. it should go up sometime soon.
Class very helpful, especially since I work at a computer all day! I felt so much better after taking this class. Thanks!
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you Veronica, Those computers are definitely affecting our bodies, and having some tools to get them out of our bodies is becoming essential. Glad you found this useful.
Loved the arm movements in external rotation on the roller, powerful stuff. Really looking forward to your class focusing on release work for the hips. Thank you.
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you ladies, so glad you enjoyed this class
love this video, great instructor clear precise instructions. Great for my tight shoulders!
I needed this SO much. My upper traps and subscaps thank you. I'm repeating this again today and tomorrow because my fascia are stubborn little toddlers.
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