Unravel Holding Patterns<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Class 2643

Unravel Holding Patterns
Niedra Gabriel
Class 2643

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Niedra Gabriel
I am laughing Elizabeth - I love the image of your fascia being stubborn toddlers! Enjoy the unravelling, I know the more we repeat fascia work the more the tissue unsticks so enjoy...
I absolutely love your classes and this one is a pure blast for someone like me with really bad tendonites problems on my shoulders (I swim a lot). Will follow your advice and do it for a few days in a row. Did you release the hip class already (I also have tendonite on my right hip...)?
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you Sonia, for your post. I am thrilled that you benefited from the shoulder work class. I did film a hip class and I am not usr gif it has been released yet or not . just check in the most recent months for any new releases.
Thank you for the amazing class. Please make a video for lower body, hips, legs and ankles.
Really amazing class! I am so tight that I could only do the foam roller part, but will keep working towards the whole class. I feel a big difference already. I consistently do rolling with a ball and foam roller on lower body but will be adding this into my daily routine. Truly amazing! Thank you.
Niedra Gabriel
Thank Lori and Yuka, I am thrilled you are enjoying the shoulder work. Yes, I will do some hip work in the future - ofcourse.
Amazing class, can't wait to watch and try the video for the hips release...
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you Claudine, I will keep the hips in mind for next time I film.
Yikes! Just what this body needed. Appreciate Niedra.
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you for your post Wenddy - happy new year.
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