Quick Standing Workout<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 2649

Quick Standing Workout
Amy Havens
Class 2649

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Excellent workout, love it! And great for those days when you can't roll out your mat without being pushed off it or climbed on top off by little people...
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Hi Christine.....I don't have little human people, but I do have little furry children (two cats!) so I know what you mean about rolling out a mat! Glad this class gave you a good workout without having to get down on the floor!
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Loved this workout!
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Oh I have a cat, too, Amy, and the mat to him is an invitation for rough play...!
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Im pretty certain I "invited" you and Kristi to provide a stand up do it anywhere class so I want to give a second thanks for youre creating it. I've made it my every-other-day add on to whatever other class I take on PA.
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Wow! Tough at times with those repetitions but worth the effort
Joni Nichols..... so glad this class meets your desires for a 'do anytime -- anywhere stand up class'... ;) Thank you!
Glad you liked it Sharon!
That was a good workout for such a short workout! I know you passed your 200 6 months ago, but congrats nonetheless! I'll be revisiting this workout in the mornings! A new rise-and-shine routine.
Small, simple movements always pack the biggest punch! Thanks!!! :)
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