Day 3: Hips<br>Sarah Bertucelli<br>Class 3347

Day 3: Hips
Sarah Bertucelli
Class 3347

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My favorite so far! And I cannot believe how fast this went. Loved it all. Ready to take on the Fourth of July!
Fantastic Connie! I hope you had a fantastical holiday.
Just keeps getting better Sarah Bertucelli!
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Omg! This is downright enlightening! And my hips and I thank you! As a 63 year old, this is what keeps my body young! Thanks so much!
Exactly what I needed before I leave for vacation. I loved using the foam roller. The roll ups were so challenging. I also loved the mermaid. My hips have started nagging me, screaming for attention. Pilates is definitely helping to keep them young!! Thank you and I'll see you in a couple of weeks. ( I'll definitely check in and take a few mat classes while away!)
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Loved the challenge of footwork on the roller with hands in the air! Rollups are generally a challenge for me...I need some kind of padding in my back, so that is something I need to work on. I love how open my hips feel right now and I agree with Kristi Cooper , better and better!
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2 people like this.
LOOOOVVE IT !! So creative, so much fun to explore, - canĀ“t wait till tomorrow! Also, the 30 minutes are perfect for a daily challenge! (I can do it in the morning and repeat it in the evening! :))) )
thanks, Sarah!!
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Felt absolutely amazing!!!
Silke 30 minutes really is a perfect quick workout and what a great idea to repeat in the evening!
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