Day 3: Hips<br>Sarah Bertucelli<br>Class 3347

Day 3: Hips
Sarah Bertucelli
Class 3347

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Good stuff.
Michael Mary S
I've loved every day! Really like the variation on the mermaid. I have such tight hips. This was great. Thank you. Can't wait until your next day.
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Okay I just did this class again, it was like taking it for the first time! See this is why I like re-doing classes! Its like brand new! Wonderful Sarah!
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so much good stuff in here I had to pause and Play on my own with the movements. like the footwork on the foam roller, the standing stretches and the variations on spine articulation. Thanks!
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Very creative and fun. Thank you.
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I remember this awesome class! Maybe I will do the whole series again!
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What springs are you using for the footwork on the vertical roller? You mentioned "light" but I wondered if it was 2 springs or 1?
Rondi 1 red and 1 blue which is 1.5.  If you do not have the half spring option, I recommend  trying  both 1 and 2 and decide what you like best. 

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Always good to remember the symmetry in my hips and how that affects my workout and my daily life! Thanks, Sarah!
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This felt so great on my hips and very restorative at 63 like a previous participant. And somehow playing on the reformer with the roller was more challenging and increased my focus and concentration. Loved it!!!! Thanks.
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