Day 10: Feel the Burn<br>Tracey Mallett<br>Class 3598

Day 10: Feel the Burn
Tracey Mallett
Class 3598

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aaaaand DONE...that was an amazing challenge ..I am going to do a class or two every week
thank youuu
Yesss! I did it. Thank you Tracey for the fabulous journey.
Thank you Tracey for the awesome classes! Loved every moment!
Just finished this challenge for a second time--so much easier than the first! Thank you for making me laugh, Tracey!
Thank you Tracey for the great challenge!
Fred F
This is my first contact with the Pilates concept. Online I saw a reference to a program called BootyBarreExpress by Tracey Mallett.
 I cannot find it it your offerings.
Your assistance would be appreciated.
Thank you Tracey! Took me a while but thoroughly enjoyed it! 
Love Tracey’s barre videos please do some new ones
Thank you Tracey! That was an awesome 10 day challenge!
Steph H
Yay! So much fun. I will definitely be repeating. So good that each workout is only half an hour but feeling that I've worked hard each session. Looking forward to the next series Tracey - thank you! You are amazing! 
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