What a great challenge it was hard but worth time and effort! i love this trainer and her work outs are so effective i love how competent and engaging she is.
Tracey 's boundless energy and joy help to keep me going when there's no one around to keep me accountable. i really enjoyed kayaking in Santa Barbara from my basement in South Dakota.
am a fitness instructor and was able to continue teaching. I still have some restrictions but was happy to take this challenge. Can we do this again? Would like to track progress. Thanks so much.
Yessss! I did it. 12 days, 3 kids, work, family for the 10-day challenge. And still... I feel waaay better, happier, healthier. Thank your Tracey for your happiness, good mood, motivation.
Hardest class of the series. I sweated. My hip flexers gave out at the very, very end, but otherwise I kept up with it all. I had fun and feel much better. Thanks Tracey:)