Stretchy Feel-Good Mat<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 3768

Stretchy Feel-Good Mat
Meredith Rogers
Class 3768

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Still love this to end the day, thank you, always!
Julia L I am glad you are still choosing it! Thank you.
Jessica B
1 person likes this.
Perfect class to take when you return from travel, feeling jet lagged, a little tired, a little achey. At least that was me before I took this class and now I am remarkably improved ;)
Jessica B wonderful!!
In Peurto Vallarta for four months. I found a reformer studio for class 3-4 days/week but need a full body stretchy class for other days. This was perfect Meredith! I always search for your classes. Love your calm, clear queuing.
Janie Flemming I appreciate that so much!  I am glad this class was a good break from the reformer classes.
Sue S
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Meredith Rogers Thank you, that was an enjoyable start to the day.
Sue S my pleasure!
1 person likes this.
There are so many great stretches in this class.  Thank you - it's exactly what my body needed today.  (Definitely good after a run or a long walk!)
Denise so glad you enjoyed it.
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