What Motivates you?<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Tutorial 3864

What Motivates you?
Niedra Gabriel
Tutorial 3864

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Fantastically timed for the beginning of a new pilates year for me.  This will be my 20th year teaching and I’m not sure where those years went! However, I can remember my first experience of pilates very well.  The sense of a calm hour just for me when my children were young , a safe place where I felt valued and not judged , being known by my name and encouraged individually by name within a small group class.  I hope I give all these things to my clients now ...some who have grown older  and learn3d alongside me...maybe a little wiser!! but definitely still enjoying going to “work”. Thank you ....looking forward to scheduling this course into my diary for Monday’s 😀
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I love reading all these great comments. For me, Pilates came into my life when I was teaching step, aerobics, and cycle classes, whilst running a family -my body was exhausted and I did not see how I could continue working. I had heard about Pilates and once I took a class I was hooked- the precision, the flow, the subtle yet technically challenging exercises. I had lots of ‘repairing’ to do, but loved it, and started to train to teach. Once qualified I just wanted to share what I had found - so 18 years on, I only teach Pilates, but have the energy to do the other classes if I want to. Pilates is like a ‘corset’ - once it’s in place everything else the body wants to do fits well and works smoothly. Thank you Niedra- this course is beautifully positive and so uplifting after just 1 session.
Misty M
Misty M
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Life got in the way and I had to take a break.  I worked crazy long hours hunched over a computer, with my shoulders pulled up to my ears from stress. Ouch! When I could finally get back to the studio and take care of me, again, Pilates showed me it's wonders. Down came my shoulders and tall went my spine! Lucky for me I go laid off! Yay! I had 32 weeks of severance. Guess what I did? I got myself certified to teach!
Karina N
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I am so glad I am taking this course.
I needed this so much. Your message and my note I wrote down brought me some emotional tears. Thank you SO much!

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Fantastic 1st video Niedra, thank you. How important it is to remind ourselves of these things and to answer the questions authentically and wholeheartedly and to not lose sight of that! 
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Thank you Niedra!  I'm so happy I found this course.  As a new teacher I worry all the time about not knowing enough and have wanted to take more workshops but I now see how important it is to establish a strong  foundation and check in with my beliefs so thank you! :)
Niedra Gabriel
Frances S Caroline B ,Misty ,Karina ,Kirsty ,Jenny  Thank you all!  for your posts and sharing, yes, we all witness and honor each other on this journey.  You are the gold of your creation and this is how to mold the best of yourself forward in time. 
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Thanks for sharing Niedra! It's funny, I always want to improve as instructor and figured learning more was the way to do that - but what you said makes sense. You don't necessarily need more knowledge to be great, but you need PASSION! The reason I love some of my favourite instructors is because of their passion, not necessarily their knowledge. I just finished taking a program to become a physiotherapist assistant because I wanted to bring that knowledge into my teaching, and although I learned a lot - I know it's been the practice and getting into the flow while teaching that has made me better, not necessarily my knowledge.
My favourite part of pilates are the "aha" moments when people discover how to tap into a muscle and "get" the exercise. I love that mindbody awareness can give you the absolute most out of an exercise, while also relieving stress because your brain can't possibly think of outside stresses!
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I went through teacher training and am working on finishing my student teaching hours.   Pilates has alleviated so many little aches and pains for me.  I get funky when I compare myself to others.
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