What Motivates you?<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Tutorial 3864

What Motivates you?
Niedra Gabriel
Tutorial 3864

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Marg M
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Only been teaching for a short time, extremely passionate about Pilates. I have a lot of injuries and weakness and I use my body as an example to educate my class. We are on the journey together. Excited to take every single class.
Lina S
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This first lesson makes me realize that to motivate other people, you need to be yourself motivated. You need to be passionate about what you're doing. Sometimes, it's good to pause to take stock, to take a look inside oneself, to run a self-analysis in order to improve, to evolve. Thank you for this lesson, for raising the questions any professional should ask themselves.
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What motivates me? Mainly, I love to teach movement. I am curious and fascinated by the biomechanics of all movement. It is wonderful to help people become stronger and to see them understanding themselves. Pilates is an excellent system for positive change. I feel extremely fortunate to have found my calling.
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Yoga helped me to slow down and breathe.  Pilates helped me to refine and expand.  It was the next level... and there always seems to be another level or challenge awaiting me.  

was drawn to the system because it is comprehensive and made sense. I was drawn to teaching it because others believed in me and encouraged me and motivated me.  I found a community of teachers who were intelligent and well educated about movement and how it applies to the student in front of you.  I respected their knowledge and skill in applying the principles  and that they did it with a sense of playful inquiry. 

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Thank you Niedra for providing this series.  Though I have been teaching various movement classes for many years, motivation is something that continues to change and evolve for me.  this series has been helpful for me to make myself actually write down the thoughts that pour in throughout a day full of teaching!  I feel it is an expression of my gratitude to the amazing teachers I have had the privilege to learn from that is my biggest motivation -Susan Shepro, Sarah George, Monica Anderson XXXOOO 
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you all for your posts and for sharing ( in words) what you are realizing.  How good it is to read this and witness you unfolding what can be inside but not cultivated. thanky you!
Julie D
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This exercise helped me remember how Pilates healed me both mentally and physically as I was going through the grieving process of a loved one. Now I can use this to teach my client who survived cancer, and hopefully she can heal from that as well.
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Thank you for this series, Niedra! I love that Pilates is a comprehensive guide to a lifestyle that will keep both mind and body healthy. I remember way back when I first felt the juicy goodness of movement - of not just doing exercise for exercise sake but because it made me feel 100% different than I did before that moment.  Wanting to share that with others has become my passion, but I struggle with a really negative self-dialogue that I believe is sabotaging my success and growth as a teacher. This course is just what I need and I'm looking forward to see what comes next on this journey of self-exploration.
Niedra Gabriel
Julie and Andrea , Thank you for your posts. This is soooo valuable, take time daily to connect with this and feel the feelings and share the message in your body language.  Andrea keep going, and just kill ants and keep going - when negative inner dialogue,  comes up .   Keep moving through the course. and keep me informed of how you are doing.  we all have inner demons and making pets out of them helps a lot....
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Thank you Niedra!! With this first class, the beautiful feelings I had both about discovering Pilates and the excitement of being able to then share that with others have begun to re-surge. What a reassuring and tingly-happy re-awakening.  Thank you—looking forward to the rest of the series!
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