What Motivates you?<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Tutorial 3864

What Motivates you?
Niedra Gabriel
Tutorial 3864

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Dear TEAM, Thank you ALL and Niedra....what an inspiration you are for us. Thank you to you and Pilates Anytime for providing this exceptional opportunity for reflection and contemplation. I am SO excited about further evolving the passion I feel towards the principles of Pilates and how they combine to affect all apects of our daily living. This is what I try to get my clients to engage with so that they are mindful of the feelings, sensations and wellbeing within their bodies. If there are negatives then I want them to ackowledge and be respectful and careful with themselves. Its incredible how they can flourish, One client smiled at me and said, "its REALLY tough but I am trying to trust my body" and with that she was able to balance on one leg, (this after a very nasty injury) the smile threatened to split her face, EVERYONE in class was cheering her on. I look forward to the rest of this workshops. ThANKS again everyone xx
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This course is amazing !!!!  Just what I was needing. Thank you Pilates Anytime, thank you Niedra, thank you Universe . 
Being a movement teacher is such a blessing, we get to touch peoples life in such a profound way. I feel so honoured and blessed. We help people regain and maintain their health, not only physical but emotionally and spiritually.  We are not only impacting the people that come into our classes but their families and friends and everyone they come in contact with , creating such an amazing ripple effect that brings joy to my heart. As movement teachers we are changing this world, one class at a time , one breath at a time 
may the Universe pay you back dear Pilates anytime, dear Niedra... .blessings 
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Thank you. Your "team" spirit inspires me.
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you Rena,Adriana and Mel Lovely to read your shared posts.   Your inspiration is contagious.  
Ted C
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Thank you! Wonderful reminder of why I became a Pilates Teacher!
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Hello Niedra, thank you for making order in some thoughts that i've been having in the last couple of years. Honestly sometimes I felt stupid to be in love  with a profession so difficult and sometimes draining and for me not very profitable. I burn out myself in the very beginning because I was so immersed into it, I had the fortune to work with amazing teachers from the start, but then I had a very complicated moment in my life and I had to step down from teaching. That of course decreased my self confidence for a while until gradually i got back into it. I can't have a studio because I travel often and it's been hard to keep clients.  I guess I keep teaching only because I love it and I find a true happiness in movement, it calms my mind and I find it therapeutic, I love the connection with clients and sharing my passion and personal experiences with them, but it doesn't feel like a regular profession because the earnings are not enough for me. So I know why I teach, but it doesn't feel like a job and this is my problem. 
Niedra Gabriel
Marta Thank you for sharing, Very good insights here. Keep moving through this course and writing down what you are learning and understanding about yourself.  It sounds like you are entrepreneurial so you may eventually design a very unique type of service. You mentioned that you travel a lot... There may be a business waiting to be created here.  Keep on moving through the course....
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Hi Niedra, thank you very much for your video... I am making pilates with pilatesanytime for a while and really like the progress in my body and attitude as well. And I realize that I really feel very good to talk about my pilates experience and help other people with some simple and easy recommendations. So I am planning to be instructor soon. your video showed me the hard part of being pilates instructor as well and appropriate it. Still I am really passionate about  this career and will follow your course...
Niedra Gabriel
Ozlem thank you for your comment. If you become an instructor this will help a lot. Any work in life takes study so this is fabulous that you are starting this before you even become an instructor. Keep going.
Natasha K
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I came across this course,exactly when i needed it the most.
I needed a reminder,or a reassurance that i have chosen the right path for me.
that i can shine and inspire people to move their bodies and connect with their spirit and me every time i teach.
Thank you,for your strong insight and i cant wait to learn more by diving into the rest of the course.
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