Day 3: I am Open<br>Kira Lamb<br>Class 4720

Day 3: I am Open
Kira Lamb
Class 4720

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Past experiences have taught me that I can regain strength and endurance after gaps and I am strong and my muscles have memory…..
Nothing is unchangeable and you can always begin again with a little bit more wisdom. 
Awesome transitions between exercises. My body is loving this challenge. The opening standing series also made me feel powerful and optimistic 
Elaine O
Past experiences have taught me that this too shall pass and there are always places where I can find the scared in the ordinary no matter what is happening 
Elaine O
I loved the standing chest opening section☺️
Andrea L
This is a great series, Kira! Your energy is inspiring!
Past experiences have taught me I can trust my body to be stronger than it often feels, that I can trust my body to teach me more every day.
Past experiences have taught me that I can trust myself to follow through.

Thank you for a wonderful day 3! 
Past experiences have taught me that I can face what the future brings.
getting there ....
Dee C
. . . I am always willing to give others the benefit of the doubt.
21-30 of 36

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