Center with Awareness<br>Erin Wilson<br>Class 4810

Center with Awareness
Erin Wilson
Class 4810

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Garreth R
Thanks so much for the great class. I so enjoy going back to basics. Great to see you on the other side.
Garreth R I’m so glad you enjoyed the class 🙏🏻  Weird being on the other side! Thank you so much!
3 people like this.
Such a sweetness to her presentation.  Erin has good cadence and tone for instruction to those new to Pilates style movement.  I'm taking this class for re-conditioning but an excellent starting point for anyone starting up.
Allison O thank you so so much for your compliment and for taking the class! I truly appreciate your feedback 🙏🏻😊
Wow! Thanks for helping me reconnect with my joints and deep ab muscles.
Kathleen Fitzgerald Henry thank you for taking the class! So happy you were able to reconnect to the good stuff! 
Alison B
really great class helping me with my current pilates studies and complementing the live classes I attend here in the uk. More please!
1 person likes this.
Alison B thank you so much! Glad the class is complimentary to what you are learning! There will be five more Mat classes like this one coming out in next several weeks 😊
Love this before I spin  to warm  my body up - thank you!
Julia L that’s great! Thank you so much for taking the class!
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