Powerful Mat<br>Sarah Bertucelli<br>Class 5355

Powerful Mat
Sarah Bertucelli
Class 5355

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This felt so good. I loved the variations and extra stretches, I always need them! Loved the creativity in the stretches. 
Thank you Rajashree Srirangarajan !
Hello Saphira B , Yes to capable and strong.  Thank you!
Beautiful to hear Noelle Iturbe. balancing time for stretching and strength is key.  Thanks so much! 
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As always - just love your guiding and pacing!  Thank you!
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Lovely class, thank you Sara!
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Thank you!   Love the flow and energy in this class!   
Thank you Karen R !
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great class Sarah. Thank you¡¡
Cate Rose
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Thank you Sarah for a beautiful class! After a hard day at work feel brand new! 🙏
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