Powerful Mat<br>Sarah Bertucelli<br>Class 5355

Powerful Mat
Sarah Bertucelli
Class 5355

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Thank you Cate Rose !  It really is amazing what a good workout or workin can do for the tired body and mind.  I am so please to know that this class was successful vehicle for your restoration! Take care:) 
1 person likes this.
Great class.thank you
Thank you Cigdem A !!
1 person likes this.
great energising class. I love the way you feel your way into the body and how it's moving.
Wonderful memare !  I love that you are enjoying this class.  thank you so much for playing!
Julieann B
1 person likes this.
think this was my favourite pilates class ever. My 10 year old son even joined in it looked like so much fun. Xxx
Hi Julieann B, Please excuse the delayed reply...YAY YAY!  I am so very excited that you enjoyed this class and that your son joined.  "playing" pilates with the young people is SO much fun.  Thank you and take care:) 
1 person likes this.
Thank you Sarah - good feels with the hard work x
Beautiful.  Thank you Mandy D 
Eileen M
1 person likes this.
Amazing Sarah! This flow and movement felt so good.
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