Strength & Restore Reformer<br>Tracey Mallett<br>Class 5407

Strength & Restore Reformer
Tracey Mallett
Class 5407

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Erin L
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Great class! 
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Wonderful unique class, and challenging as always! Thank you Tracey.
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Wonderful workout as always! Loved the unique new challenges especially the new version of standing leg slides on the knee with the box. Thank you!
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Another great Tracey Mallett class going straight into favorites! Creative, fun, and challenging. I particularly liked the hamstring work with the box and the delicious stretches at the end 
Caroline Close
Brilliant! Creative and strong ♥
Dannielle W
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This class was awesome!!!    Tracey, you have fast become my favorite teacher!!!   
Anna C
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Amazing class!! Tracey - which foam roller did you use? The normal (magic) roller or the softie roller? 
Rebecca T
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I love a Tracey Mallet class! When starting the hamstring work Tracey says if your hamstrings are weaker to use a yellow and when I did I shot out and fell into my springs.  Scary! I'm okay but I think you should go in a change it or insert a note at the beginning. The breakdown class where she instructs correctly is helpful only if you watch it first.
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Loved it. Especially the pigeon & swan work near the end! Thank you i
Anna C this was just a normal roller 
1-10 of 30

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