Strength & Restore Reformer<br>Tracey Mallett<br>Class 5407

Strength & Restore Reformer
Tracey Mallett
Class 5407

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Rebecca T ~ Thank you for your feedback. We're so sorry to hear that you fell onto your springs but glad to know that you're ok. We've added a note in the description about the correct spring. After talking to Tracey, we learned it should be a red instead of a yellow spring if you need more support for your hamstrings.
Linda T.
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Great class Tracey , a secret butt kicker but loved the roller work 
Jennifer H
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Love this class! Any tips for keeping that foam roller in place when facing the straps? X
Jennifer H
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Love this class! Any tips for keeping that foam roller in place when facing the straps? X
Christina R
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LOVE the modified tendon stretch!

Kate A
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Love this! thank you so much! after international travel a few days ago, i think i gained a few inches in height :)
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Love the start with the foam roller on the mid thoracic! Yummie!
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Love the start with the foam roller on the mid thoracic! Yummie!
Michele M
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Wow very challenging, creative use of the foam roller and super fun!  I loved this whole practice and quickly went to favs! Thank you Tracey!!:D
Rebecca T hello we put a note now for a red spring which is higher than blue. So if you find blue challenging switch to a red for more support. Thank you for your note most appreciated !!!! Thank you for your support xo
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