Mobilizing Mat<br>Sally Anderson<br>Class 5435

Mobilizing Mat
Sally Anderson
Class 5435

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Sally Anderson
Taryn Upchurchย What an amazing message to get thank you ๐Ÿ™ I am such a pragmatist, I couldn't be happier than to hear your thoughts about the cueing ๐Ÿ˜Š And great that the half roller got you through too - good going! Thank you so much! X
Kay S
1 person likes this.
Another great class Sally. Thankyou. (Too bad they spelt mobilising incorrectly!!!)
Rosena S
1 person likes this.
Loved this so much. The tiny tweaks to a regular piriformis stretch and the hip flexors on the roller was the best part for me. Cant wait to add it to my routine. Thank you for this amazing session Sally.
Thanks Sally, this was a nice restorative class!
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