Stability Reformer<br>Mariska Breland<br>Class 5462

Stability Reformer
Mariska Breland
Class 5462

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Larissa L
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I agree that the side leg lift forward and back is tough but the lowering in front and lifting is even more challenging!
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I really enjoyed the challenge of this class. Lots of fun, creative variations
Casey D
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Love the balance challenge this workout gives you!! Really enjoyed this, thanks Mariska! :)
Michele M
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I loved the unilateral work and found the hip exercise to be super challenging.  I tend to favor Reformer hip exercises over mat since they engage your core and other stabilizing muscles more.  Thank you for sharing!:D 
Ron  S
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was a fan of first stability class. this one was tough...
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Challenging,  not easy. Thank you, Mariska, and chapeau!
Melissa F
Can you advise what spring load you have for this class?
Melissa F when she was standing on the reformer in the picture, it was one blue. But she’s very light. 
Melissa F
Thank you Mariska!
Anastasia A
Love this class!!! And I’m with you.. HATE side leg lifts!!!!!!! 
1-10 of 12

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