Arms on Fire<br>Carrie Pages<br>Class 5554

Arms on Fire
Carrie Pages
Class 5554

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Shona Croft
Absolutely loving this series Carrie 💜
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Day 2 ----- Fabulous arm and core workout.  Enjoying your series, Carrie!
Laurie G
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Absolutely loved this workout!
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So good! Thank you! I did ab crusher and arms on fire back to back - I am most definitely ready for my day now! 
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I loved Arms on Fire. The flow was great and your cues were clear and concise. A real challenge! Thank you!
Sandra B
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I can’t decide which one is my favorite, but for someone with one shoulder reconstructive RC surgery, and the other separation of the AC joint I am proud to say I was able to ALL exercises! Yahoo! I needed something like this, ready for strengthening, and with your expert cueing  and really hard  workout it felt sooo good! I sure feeL my arms! Thank you so much!
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Arms on fire 🔥 🔥  for sure! Bookmarked and will come back to this again and again! 
Michael Mary S
Carrie, thanks for another great class.  I really like some of the variations.  I cannot wait to share with my class.
Thanks so much, everyone!! So glad you're enjoying the challenge!
Kara B
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This was fantastic!  I feel my arms for sure:). 
1-10 of 24

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