Streamlined Mat Workout<br>Laura Hanlon<br>Class 5619

Streamlined Mat Workout
Laura Hanlon
Class 5619

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I loved the slow page of this class and the great cueing. Just maybe one hint: when teaching online, I find it helpful to say the name of the exercises beforehand. The client knows the exercises then and can concentrate better without turning the head to the laptop or screen. Thanks Laura! I truly enjoyed your class! 
Thank you Waller M I'm happy to hear you enjoyed this class! :)
Hi Ilayda C , of course! I like cueing clients and myself to "zip up through the inner thighs" to encourage the use of the adductors, inner thigh, muscles. I also use this cue up the legs and to the abdominals to better connect the transverse and rectus abdominal muscles. Hope this is helpful! :)
Ilayda C
thank you!! and how to exactly do that? by clenching this area? also loved loved loved the class. felt so refreshed, energetic and pain free afterwards!!
Morgan H
1 person likes this.
Always delicious! Always challenging! 
Kay S
1 person likes this.
Thanks Laura, great class and your options made it even better. My new go to!
Ilayda C - I don't love the idea of "clenching" a muscle or area. Rather, think of engaging the inner thigh muscles (adductors) by squeezing the legs/inner seams of your pants together and continuing that sensation both inward and upward. This will engage both the inner thighs and pelvic floor when done correctly. This takes a lot of mind body connection and doesn't always come easily. I recommend being mindful with the movement and perhaps slowing down your practice to focus on proper engagement to get the most out of each exercise and the workout as a whole. From your kind compliment it sounds like you're already on the right track!! I'm so happy to hear you're enjoying my class(es) and hope you will continue to do so. Feel free to reach out with any additional questions, always! xx, laura
Caroline V
Loved it Laura!
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