No Flexion Reformer<br>Maria Leone<br>Class 5645

No Flexion Reformer
Maria Leone
Class 5645

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Really fun class, I really enjoyed the creative variations. Thevpsoas stretch at the end is fantastic!
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Great program! Enjoyed. Thanks!
1 person likes this.
You’re amazing ! Not surprised you are a black belt! Love your flows 
Great class! With my scoliosis, flexion and rotation can be problematic, so this class is perfect. 
Lynzi D
Loved this class. 
Wonderful cueing and ideas. Thank you Maria. You are awesome.
Annmarie S
Great ideas thank you ☘️
Gisela G
This is great, loved everything! Thank you!
Shona Croft
Maria that was absolutely BRILLIANT.
Maria, you are my favorite! You made me a great teacher! Thank you! I’m so grateful to you. More videos please. 🙏🏼
1-10 of 17

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