No Flexion Reformer<br>Maria Leone<br>Class 5645

No Flexion Reformer
Maria Leone
Class 5645

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Really challenging!
Rachael S
Really enjoyed this workout - a fantastic mix. I particularly loved the Typewriter to Side Plank and Mermaid - will be teaching this to my students! Thanks for the great, clear cues - I'm researching how to study with you in the future.
Laura Bond W
Thank you for such a creative, challenging and brisk flow, Maria. The breakdance shape is fun and love the plank variations! I’ll enjoy doing this again and teaching parts to my students.
Fantastic class. Good to have the two levels side by side. Thank you
This class was FUN! Love the pace
Loved this class, everything in it! Will definitely do it again. Thank you.
Laura Bond W
Did this one more than once, it’s a perfect half hour that feels like more. The press on the long box is sneaky, that’s a great stability challenge. Thank you for your creativity and simple, clear cueing.
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