Deep Squat Series<br>Maria Leone<br>Class 5646

Deep Squat Series
Maria Leone
Class 5646

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What a fantastic class! I love the creativity and flow. And love the malasana!  If you are like me, though, and deep squat affects your blood pressure, know that one of the flows involves going directly from deep squat to standing on the moving carriage. I managed it today, but with quite a bit of lightheadedness
Lynzi D
Great way to start the day. Loved the standing flow series with the deep squats. Slow and controlled.
Sandra C
You asked.. wasn't that so satisfying!... Yes... very satisfying! 
Nancy F
Loved the variety!
Leg lift at 15:35, right side was done but not the left leg. Thought I missed something...?  Great class either way, just pushed pause and did left leg on my own.
Loved the incorporation of the Malasana as the peak pose...what a great leg work out and hip opener! ALWAYS love your classes!

I loved this.  A nice stretch and a little bit of challenge.  Thank you!
I almost skipped this when I saw deep squat, but I’m glad I did it. Thank you! By the way, love the leggings. May I ask where you got them?
Brilliant class, love the deep squats and the upper back ext variations and your cueing thanks 🙏 
Love the pace of this class. 

I was able to absorb the movements so much better when slowing down and thinking more about each exercise and how it felt, your cueing helped me connect much better to the key muscles worked.

It was also just a lot easier to follow as an online workout at this pace - I often follow faster paced flows, but sometimes feel like I've not done one exercise enough to understand the essence of the movement. Here I had no problem with that!

Thank you.
1-10 of 12

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