No Flexion Mat<br>Maria Leone<br>Class 5647

No Flexion Mat
Maria Leone
Class 5647

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Excellent class and so appreciate the challenging yet safe workout!
1 person likes this.
Loved this class!  Thank you Maria.
GREAT class!

1 person likes this.
Brilliant class. Informative and challenging. Great ideas. Thank you Maria.
great class Maria, ideal when we have just 30 mts for a complete workout.
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Great class Maria! Thank you
Julie Lloyd
Thanks so much for this amazing class Maria. It makes a nice change to challenge the core without flexion. I feel invigorated at the end of your classes too. Your choreography is gold star!
Osteo it.   especially loved hovering quadruped seq!   Thank you thank you!
Jen U
1 person likes this.
Great class!  Thank you!
Maria B
I loved it! 
1-10 of 18

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