No Flexion Mat<br>Maria Leone<br>Class 5647

No Flexion Mat
Maria Leone
Class 5647

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My experience: clients who came from the doctor with instructions that they must not load the spine with flexion and rotation, had problems with the discs in the lumbar spine and were forbidden to exercise in extension. The lesson is beautifully put together, but unusable for a person with problems with the vertebrae.
Really enjoyed this! Instructions were clear and my body feels amazing
Thank you Maria. I love the clarity and decisiveness of your instruction. I feel nice and warm on a cold day in Australia!
Jodie  L
Thanks Maria Leone 
This was perfect for my sore back today. Challenging without aggravating my lower back which doesnt love flexion when sacro- ileitis is flaring. This is why I LOVE pilates. :)
Just perfect. Thank YOU!
Really enjoyed this one - creative class for sure! Thanks, Maria!!
Great class - definitely felt the effects after! It's my 4th workout in 5 days so I needed to hear "do less." I chose a great class today!
Maria. You are sooo great teacher. ¡¡¡
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