Extension-Focused Mat<br>Lesley Logan<br>Class 5679

Extension-Focused Mat
Lesley Logan
Class 5679

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Lesley good to see you on Pilates Anytime ! Well done ! great class :)
Deborah Wasko yay! Thank you!! I'm so happy you enjoyed this one! I've got another express Mat class on here and one more coming out :) xx~LL 
Angela T
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love this class!! thank you!
Angela T woohoo thank you!!! xx~LL 
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What an energizing class!! I am sitting in my car waiting to get on a ferry and watched your class. Can’t wait to get home to do it!!!🙏
Karen M YAY! I'm thrilled you felt the energy just watching! Please let me know how it feels in your body when you get to do it! xx~LL 
1 person likes this.
Great class. Short but sweet with lots in it!
Joanna L
1 person likes this.
Loved this flow and want more . Great to see You here ! 
Joanna L awe thank you! If you loved this one you're in luck! I have plenty more classes here. And another Mat class coming out soon xx~LL 
Niamh O yass! I love creating these express classes! xx~LL 
1-10 of 12

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