Class #5679

Extension-Focused Mat

20 min - Class


Join Lesley Logan for an 18-minute quick and sweaty traditional Mat workout. This class focuses on finding more range and strength in your extension, helping you connect into your core and upper back muscles. Using an Overball at the beginning of the class, Lesley will guide you to strengthen your legs and hamstrings to support your upper body in back bends.
What You'll Need: Mat, Overball

About This Video


Lesley good to see you on Pilates Anytime ! Well done ! great class :)
Deborah Wasko yay! Thank you!! I'm so happy you enjoyed this one! I've got another express Mat class on here and one more coming out :) xx~LL 
Angela T
1 person likes this.
love this class!! thank you!
Angela T woohoo thank you!!! xx~LL 
1 person likes this.
What an energizing class!! I am sitting in my car waiting to get on a ferry and watched your class. Can’t wait to get home to do it!!!🙏
Karen M YAY! I'm thrilled you felt the energy just watching! Please let me know how it feels in your body when you get to do it! xx~LL 
1 person likes this.
Great class. Short but sweet with lots in it!
Joanna L
1 person likes this.
Loved this flow and want more . Great to see You here ! 
Joanna L awe thank you! If you loved this one you're in luck! I have plenty more classes here. And another Mat class coming out soon xx~LL 
Niamh O yass! I love creating these express classes! xx~LL 
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