Total Body Strength<br>Shantani Moore<br>Class 5689

Total Body Strength
Shantani Moore
Class 5689

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A way to incorporate weights that isn’t mind numbingly boring. 😀 Excellent class - strength AND mobility - exactly what I need.
I enjoyed the clear cues, heavier weights, deliberate pace. Good presentation of modifications and variations. It wasn’t clear from the description, but the first half of the class is more like a gym style workout with weights (she uses 5 and 10 lbs, which I liked) - things like squats, triceps presses, reverse flies. The second half is yoga inspired movements like cat-cow, downward dog, plank. 
First instructor to make me genuinely laugh out loud while exercising- enjoyed the class! Flew by!
Sheree S
Fantastic class. Loved the pace and loved that the weights were only part of the class. 
Looking forward to more of these. Hope it will be a series!
Enjoyable and effective class Shantani hope you do more janet England
Way to go, thank you for a great class!! I'm 69 y.o. now and fervently wish I had known as a younger woman the importance of investing in strength training for life-long bone, body & mental health. Strong is the new beautiful : )
Great class. I feel great, thank you Shantani!
Such a great combination! I loved it!
Such a great combination of exercises! Thank you!
1-10 of 15

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