Mat on the Wunda Chair<br>Ilaria Cavagna<br>Class 5692

Mat on the Wunda Chair
Ilaria Cavagna
Class 5692

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Kim B
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Thank you. Fabulous ‘quick’ workout. Would love to see more new Wunda chair workouts ❤️🙏
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thank you Ilaria, that is definitely one workout to keep practicing!!
Delia Ford
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1 person likes this.
Great fun! You move with such grace and ease Ilaria, it’s fabulous to watch! Thank you🙏
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Magnificent Chair class, I would like to see more Chair classes, would it be possible?, thank you !!!
Sofie van der Sommen
For me, with a lot of adjustments :) it was a wunderful class !
Nadia L
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I had to switch from a reformer to the Wunda chair due to my disabilities and this workout was perfect! Many of the exercises were new to me (which is FUN!) and I felt challenged. Thanks for making such a great workout!

Kim B Thank you Kim! Glad you enjoy it! I also love the wunda ❤️
Patti S Yep! the more you do it the smoother the transitions! And... the body goes deeper in the execution 🙌🏻 Have fun!
Delia Ford Thank you Delia 🙏🏼
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