Mat on the Wunda Chair<br>Ilaria Cavagna<br>Class 5692

Mat on the Wunda Chair
Ilaria Cavagna
Class 5692

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Deirdre H Thank YOU Deirdre 😘🙏🏼
Inma F Thank you Inma 🙏🏼 I really appreciate!
Here are other wunda chair classes 😘 in case you missed them 😉

Class #5133 Hip Flexor Release Wunda
Class #5134 Upper Body Wunda Chair
Class #5131 Balance & Feet Wunda Chair
Class #5130 Wunda Chair for Stiff Backs
Class #4736 Around the Body on the Wunda
Sofie van der Sommen Thank you Sofie! Let me know how it goes after you repeat it a few times 😘
Nadia L Thank you for your feedback! So glad this class was fun and challenging 😉
What an awesome class Ilaria! You cuing is so clear and precise. I loved the variations and the level of challenge! Powerhouse on fire now but my hips feel incredible.
Megan Macgregor Thank you Megan! 🙌🏻
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You are amazing I just wish you moved a little slower - I love practicing with you but I have a hard time picking out bits of sequences that I can use with clients. This is so hard!! 
Elizabeth D Hi Elizabeth! thank you for sharing your feedback. With my clients I usually build up to this workout in 4 main blocks:
the abdominal series
the spine stretch/horseback/saw
the part of the stomach
the side kicks
This work might be spread out in weeks or months (together with the work on the reformer, mat or anything they need) and then they should be ready to put it all together.
Also not necessarily everyone should do the all sequence... if there is anything they should stay away from because of injuries or limitations we need to respect that. The most important thing is to end any pilates sessions and workouts feeling better than when we started!
Let me know if this helps!

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This is insane! Flawless beautiful movement still very classy! Love all of ur programs!
Hayan 🙏🏼 Thank you Hayan! Happy you enjoy my classes!
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