Core with Magic Circle 2.0<br>Ilaria Cavagna<br>Class 5695

Core with Magic Circle 2.0
Ilaria Cavagna
Class 5695

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Such a great, creative class Ilaria. I really loved the variations on the side leg series. Thank you very much.
Margo V Thank you Margo! Happy you like the class!If you like to work with the Magic Circle you can also check out this other class..."Core with Magic Circle" Class #4730 . It's been very popular and the one that inspired the 2.0 update
1 person likes this.
Superb class, great for the mind as well. Many thanks, great work Ilaria.
Judy P Thank you Judy! Happy you enjoy the class!
1 person likes this.
Amazing Class, ilaria!  Your creative movements using the Magic Circle were challenging for the body and mind.   I enjoyed the bicycle movement for the legs using the Magic Circle.  This class has been added to my Favorites.
Janice M Thank you Janice! 🙌🏻 have fun with repeating this class. If you like the Magic Circle you can check out also Class #4730 and Class #5128. Enjoy!
Another great Ilaria class! I love your creativity, cueing and flow and the way you managed to fit lots of stuff into this short workout. Short but intense! Thanks a lot Ilaria :))
Anne P. You are very welcome Anne! It's often tough to find a full hour for the workout so I like to condense lots of stuff in a 30 min class
Amy P
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Very fun class, thank you Ilaria!
Marie R
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Hi! I'm so surprised about your teaching. You feel carried away.  It is also a really good class for the mind. Thanks!
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