Core with Magic Circle 2.0<br>Ilaria Cavagna<br>Class 5695

Core with Magic Circle 2.0
Ilaria Cavagna
Class 5695

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Amy P You are welcome Amy! Thank you for taking this class!
Marie R Thank you for your feedback Marie! 🙏🏼 😉
1 person likes this.
Wonderful inventive use of the circle and combinations. great challenge
1 person likes this.
I enjoyed this class, love your variations
Niamh O Thank you Niamh! happy you like it! 😉
Laura G Thank you Laura 🙏🏼
Beth Wareham
I swear, Ilaria, you are a godsend. You taught me how to teaser up and I do so love to teaser. And now, you took that ring which I HATED and showed me how useful it actually me some Ilaria!
Chuhang G
Such a fun class! One of the best magic circle classes I've ever attended. Thank you for compiling this nice flow!
Lisa G
What a refreshing, creative and fun class! I love the magic circle and am always looking for more inventive ways to use it. This class definitely delivered! Feeling energised now for my day ahead. Thankyou!
Thank you Ilaria! I love your creative ideas and always enjoy your teaching. After connecting  with the Magic circle, my Teaser at the end of the class, improved dramatically and was much easier to perform. Thanks once again
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