The Neck Class<br>Ilaria Cavagna<br>Class 5696

The Neck Class
Ilaria Cavagna
Class 5696

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Love this class addressing such important work! Thanks Ilaria, so good to see you back on PA
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This was fantastic! Such great explanations and pace! Thank you! I’d love to see more of your teaching
Thank you Ilaria! I really needed this class today. Thank you for constantly reinforcing alignment. I will carry this into everything I do!
Beverly L Thank you Beverly! 🙏🏼 Very happy to be back with new videos!  😘
Michelle E Thank you Michelle! Stay tuned... more videos are coming! The neck is a very delicate part of the body and it requires lots of care! I personally need these exercises since my neck had issues in the past.
Andrea Lima Thank you for the feedback Andrea! Glad you enjoy the class! More to come!
Sheree S
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I struggle with severe neck and shoulder tightness which radiates into my head and causes migraine and concussion like symptoms. I cannot say thank you enough for this class.  The relief was almost immediate as I progressed through the postures. Thank you! Thank you!! THANK YOU!!!
Julie Lloyd
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Ilaira , I love this class!! Thank you so much x
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Thank you that was such a fascinating and useful 30 mins, very inspiring.
Sheree S Aww Sheree, so glad to read your feedback! I totally understand what you mean... my neck is my weakness and I need to do all the right things to keep it healthy! Keep me posted and let me know how it goes! ilaria
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