Full Body Balanced Mat<br>Misty Lynne Cauthen<br>Class 5707

Full Body Balanced Mat
Misty Lynne Cauthen
Class 5707

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Molly M
I love this routine. Graceful moves and transitions. Nice blend of stretching, standing balance work mixed with planks (including side planks), boomerangs, a little teaser, and some bridging. Thank you Misty
Always love a Misty Mat class, thanks for the work
Mona H
I love it that we're moving so much and appreciate the balance work. Adding this to my favourites!
Sindisiwe M
Legend! What a beautiful class!
Lovely class, as always. Perfect pace and cueing, great challenge :)) Thanks a lot Misty Lynne!
Molly M What a compliment - thanks! I always try to leave no muscle untouched... I'm so glad you appreciated the class - we had a great time filming it, too. 
Jefflyn thanks for making me a part of your day! 🥰
Mona H Yay! Thanks for the love! It's the type of workout that will grow with you - I hope it continues to bring you joy!
Sindisiwe M You're too kind. Thank you.😀
Anne P. Thank you for watching AND taking the time to comment! It's affirming to me and is very very appreciated.
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